Not For Profit

Get in touch: 1800 770 780

How can we help?

Owen Hodge Lawyers have worked with numerous not-for-profit organisations across a range of different areas.We are experienced in the laws governing the not-for-profit sector and understand the diversity of the issues that impact these organisations. As a result our Sydney and Hurstville based lawyers offer a diverse range of services to provide legal support for the sector, which include charitable and not-for-profit organisations.

Our advice to not-for-profit organisations has included a variety of:

  • Charities
  • Churches
  • disability organisations
  • Museums
  • Clubs
  • Galleries
  • Education providers
  • Professional associations
  • Community groups
  • Building and ancillary funds.

We can assist not-for-profit organisations, or people setting up not-for-profit organisations, in areas ranging from providing advice on legal structures, preparing documents to establish charities or not-for-profit organisations, to advising on tax issues affecting these organisations.

Owen Hodge Lawyers can advise on a variety of not-for-profit organisation specific issues, including:

  • The requirements of incorporation,
  • The requirements of fundraising, including registration and the rules,
  • Wills & bequests Corporate governance, including the duties of officers, and Tax requirements

Owen Hodge Lawyers can ensure not-for-profit organisations have an effective legal structure to maximise income and minimise the costs, while we can also form or review commercial arrangements and constitutions to ensure they protect the organisations interests. We endeavour to maximise benefits received under tax exemptions and various government grants by preparing all the necessary applications.

We also advise on laws effecting all organizations, including:

  • Occupational health and safety,
  • Anti-discrimination,
  • Employment law Trademarks,
  • Copyright and Intellectual Property,
  • Property and commercial transactions
  • Dispute resolution Financial probity, and Privacy laws.

Owen Hodge Lawyers are able to guide organisations through the legislation and prepare documents according to the Associations Incorporations Act and the Corporations Act, including amending the organisations constitutions and ensuring compliance. Roger Harkin, James Kelly and the team at Owen Hodge Lawyers are highly experienced in advising on a variety of issues affecting clients in the charitable and not-for-profit sector.

Please do not hesitate to contact our office today on 1800 770 780.

Talk to Not For Profit Lawyers

Owen Hodge is here to help.

Get in touch now

Not for Profit Team

Rolf Howard

Managing Partner, Commercial Litigation Lawyer

Roger Harkin

Partner, Commercial Lawyer, Specialist in Commercial Transactions and Contracts

Imran Mir

Commercial Lawyer

Kristy-Lee Burns

Partner, Family and Commercial Lawyer

Richard Farmer

Commercial and Real Estate Consultant

Here’s what our clients are saying

Thank you for all of the assistance

“A short note to thank you for all of the assistance you gave us recently….

Deborah Chowns

Increased my cash collection

“I have been dealing with Owen Hodge Lawyers for approximately 2 years now, in that time they have increased my cash collections by 100%. Their assistance in the recovery of doubtful debts has been exceptional….

Christina Safar

Excellent talk by James Kelly

The information provided, both in the excellent talk by James Kelly and the handout, was extremely beneficial as an outline on a number of legal aspects….

Denis Solari

Excellent Legal Advice

Owen Hodge Lawyers have provided me with excellent legal advice. The processes they administered were done thoroughly and all actions communicated clearly. They provide a friendly and considerate service and I would certainly recommend them to others.

Chris Dewhurst

Frequently asked questions

Yes, Owen Hodge Lawyers are experienced in handling the dissolution or winding up of a not-for-profit organisation.

Yes, Owen Hodge Lawyers are experienced in the relevant legalities concerning political campaigning and advocacy by charities.